Attorney Holstein is a family court attorney practicing in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. She is the attorney for the Plaintiff in the case of Michael vs. Michael.
Ms. Holstein continues to engage in a campaign of slander at any cost, on a personal vendetta to acquire and sell Ms. Michael’s personal property—her home—in order to acquire massive amounts of child support, which have been determined by inaccurate accounts and false documentation.
Judge Karen McCallum is not only allowing but encouraging Holstein’s actions. At a recent court hearing, Judge McCallum clearly had her verdict before she grudgingly allowed Ms. Michael, a pro se litigant, the opportunity to defend herself from the accusations from Attorney Holstein. (When Ms. Michael asked Judge McCallum if she would be allowed to defend herself before the verdict was given, Judge McCallum replied, “I guess; go ahead.”)
Ms. Holstein has unnecessarily forced herself into the closing of Ms. Michael’s home, distributing false accusations, spreading rumors, and sending unnecessary documents. The unwarranted micromanaging of the closing has caused lengthy delays for the buyer and extreme prejudice towards Ms. Michael.
Due to Ms. Holstein’s smear campaign, the closing attorney has failed to send Ms. Michael closing documents, has rescheduled closing 3 times, and has backed out of the transaction completely, accusing Ms. Michael of “running a scheme.” Ms. Holstein will assert that Ms. Michael is attempting to play the villain, which is exactly the position she herself has created.
When the buyer’s loan was set to expire over Labor Day weekend, Ms. Michael quickly found a closing attorney willing to rush and finalize the closing. Ms. Michael was again thwarted by Attorney Holstein’s Immediate Judicial Order: “TIME SENSITIVE Order and Judgement Conveying Title to Property and Cancellation of Lis Pendens,” containing more false accusations and dramatic wording, more than one month before she was ordered to have said property sold. Despite Ms. Michael’s attempts to inform Judge McCallum of the impending closing, the order was signed.
The FCVFC Legal Division suspects that Attorney Holstein has a personal interest in the proceeds from Ms. Michael’s home.
In the meantime, after Ms. Michael’s son discovered the years of lies and manipulation he had been subject to and moved in with his mother, Attorney Holstein succeeded in kidnapping Ms. Michael’s daughters. Now both of the sisters are kept in complete isolation from their brother and their mother, no longer allowed to visit or speak on the phone with her.
Both of these punitive actions towards Ms. Michael are ostensibly to “teach her a lesson” for wanting to divorce Holstein’s client more than 8 years ago.
It should be noted that regardless Ms. Michael’s attempts to pay child support before Mr. Michael filed for child support since 2015, Attorney Holstein insists that “Ms. Michael has demonstrated a naive indifference to the financial needs of her minor children.” Even though Ms. Michael’s payments towards the children’s medical care for the past 8 years was intentionally omitted from the Child Support Agreement, it is important to note that she did still pay nearly $2,000 towards the minor children’s medical care.
Attorney Holstein states, ‘Mother has paid very little toward the children’s uninsured medical expenses. In 2019 alone, Father has paid $1,108.01 in medical, dental, and orthodontic expenses for the children and Ms. Michael has paid $0.00.”
Of the $1,108.01, Father is fraudulently claiming a payment of $195 that was actually paid by Ms. Michael. In 2019, Ms. Michael paid over $400 in medical expenses for the minor children.
Ms. Michael has attempted to have these calculations corrected, to no avail. Not only Attorney Holstein, but even Judge Karen McCallum has been deaf to Ms. Michael’s words.

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Slam the Gavel welcomes Isabella Reyes Alfano to the podcast. She has been going through an adversarial divorce because of