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What to Do When “The Silence of the Lambs” is Taken to the Arena of the Family Courts

Children are regularly taken from their protective parent and returned to their abuser in family courts around the United States.

How can this be, when the presiding judge has been substantially alleged to have engaged in collusion and witness intimidation, in order to protect the bad acts of a father who is described as a sociopathic child abuser?

The children in these cases are treated like road kill. The court system attempts to “remove” them and fails to properly investigate multiple credible charges of abuse, throwing children back into the circumstances from which they had been rescued.

In the case before us, Case #FBTFA196088163S, this sociopathy extends to multiple secrets hiding potential criminal activity. This information has been suppressed for years by courts through attorneys.

Clients need more than a ten-minute protective order.

Evidence of the magnitude of crimes such as are presented in this case require a minimum of a two-year protective order, so that the legal process can be followed, of pursuing criminal indictment of the perpetrator and malpractice charges and damages against the enablers.

In the case before us, those enablers include Attorney for the Plaintiff Father Nancy Aldrich, and prior attorneys for the Defendant Mother, Richard Callahan, Edward Nusbaum (who wrote, “Send me $100,0000 and I’ll get you a hearing”) and do-nothing William Brown. William Brown was hired to protect the interests of the children, and instead mercurially joined the ranks of the attorney enablers, all of whom became betrayers of the children.

This is a deadly game in which the only team is “Find the money and follow the money.”

Children are commodities sold in the court at the judge’s bench. The law bench has become the new slave auction block.

The solution is to be found not in “compromises” and “getting along.” But in swift action for recusal of presiding judges who have violated human rights, as well as malpractice lawsuits against court actors who have participated.

Following is a letter to the Guardian ad Litem in Case #FBTFA196088163S, and after that is a letter to the Presiding Judge in the same case.

This is only a small sampling of what we do for our clients to help them rescue their children.


Dear Attorney Hurwitz,

I am sure that you take great comfort in the thought that you are protected by immunity in your position as a Guardian ad Litem.

However, whatever comfort you and Judge Grossman may feel that you experience, your comfort level should be short lived as you will soon experience the discomfort of being sued for malpractice based on fraud, collusion, child endangerment based on witness tampering, witness intimidation, and a very long, descriptive list incorporated in the complaint against you.

You will not be alone, as your co-conspirators, every single lawyer associated with this case, including lawyer for the Plaintiff, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, will be held accountable for their acts of abuse and indifference to the welfare of the three children in question, whose lives you have made a living hell.

Your reputation as described on page 47 of the book, The Worst Interests of the Child: The Trafficking of Children and Parents through U.S. Family Courts, by Keith Harmon Snow, follows you and affirms your continued bad acts.

Jill Jones Soderman

Executive Director, FCVFC


To: Presiding Judge

Bridgeport Family Court

CC – Judicial Review Council

Re: Continued machinations on the part of Judge JK Grossman to isolate children in the hands of their accused physical, sexual, emotional abuser, adoptive father

Request that Judge JK Grossman refer any engagement with the case noted to alternate judges and absent herself from any further dealing with this case

Motions have been filed for the recusal of Judge JK Grossman. All reprehensible, illegal orders written by her have also been requested to be vacated.

Through abuse of process, Judge JK Grossman has continued to maintain Case #FBTFA196088163S in a state of perpetual legal suspension, blocking all oversight and review by moving the case to Middletown for a trial docket months away.

Judge JK Grossman has blocked the case from being reviewed by any other judge, as per multiple emergency Ex Parte filings that were delivered to her and died in the hands of the clerk seeking to process the filings.

The first emergency Ex Parte filed was brought to the court with a film crew who witnessed and documented what was noted to be clear interference in the filing of the emergency Ex Parte on the part of the three children in question being held in isolation enforced by Judge JK Grossman and her court actor supplicants, which include GAL Jocelyn Hurwitz.

The entire court file has been referred to the Judicial Review Council.

Complaints against all attorneys for the Defense and for the Plaintiff, attorney Nancy Aldrich, have been referred to the Connecticut Grievance Committee of the Bar Association.

All pertinent transcripts, emails, and court documents have been forwarded to appropriate authorities. These transcripts, emails, and court documents relate to abuse of process, theft of personal and marital assets and pre-marital assets, and other violations of the rights of the children. Also forwarded to appropriate authorities are affidavits of witnesses to Judge JK Grossman’s violation of the rights of the children and defamation against parent Karen Riordan, in the form of psychiatric evaluations, which she had sealed in order to conceal fraud and other criminal activities related to alleged criminal activity by the father.

Complaints against the father for child neglect, abuse, sexual abuse, threats, intimidation, emotional torture and terror of the children, for plagiarism and financial manipulation have been sent to the NY Bar where the adoptive father is listed as an active participant in the legal community.

Judge Grossman should not have any access to any adjudication activity related to the case in question. She has actively as well as surreptitiously shielded the father from prosecution, as she has slandered the mother in open court, declaring that she has multiple mental illnesses and is unfit to be near the children.

Judge JK Grossman has inserted herself as an active, malicious participant in this case, not only as judge and jury but metaphorically speaking, as executioner. There is reason to suspect that she may also be a business partner of the Plaintiff, who has been alleged to be involved in passing dark money to lawyers in this case, CPS caseworkers, and even to police, who have filed false and misleading reports, suppressed evidence, and participated in allowing the subject children to be threatened and subject to continued abuse.

Issues of witness intimidation and threats are a very real aspect of this case, as is apparent in the thousands of pages of transcripts now in the hands of multiple authorities investigating this case.

This message to the Presiding Judge, with regard to Judge JK Grossman is requesting that the Ex Parte motion to be filed on behalf of the suffering children to free them from the isolation and ongoing abuse of their father, not be interfered with by Judge JK Grossman.

It is suggested that an alternate judge be allowed to hear the Ex Parte motion, which will undoubtedly be granted.

For purposes of clarity, if there is any further interference with the legal process, any further abuse of process engaged in by Judge JK Grossman, we will be compelled to refer to Judge JK Grossman for criminal investigation as a co-conspirator of the Plaintiff.

While Judge JK Grossman is now protected by absolute immunity, her absolute immunity will absolutely dissolve if there are grounds that surface to indicate that she is indeed engaged in racketeering with her cohorts already referred to the Grievance Committee of the Bar Association in Connecticut and a series of other law agencies that investigate crime.

Jill Jones Soderman

Executive Director, FCVFC

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