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The FCVFC Files Malpractice Action Against Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD

The Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts has filed a malpractice action against Jessica Biren Caverly


The Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts has filed a malpractice action against Jessica Biren Caverly.

This is the first suit to be filed in a list that includes many more professionals who all intended to join in defending a perpetrator and covering for his terrible crimes.

We have hard evidence against them of HIPPA violations, fraud, deceit, slander, and more.

Professionals such as Jessica Biren Caverly create fake diagnoses, diagnoses that do not even exist in the psychiatric diagnostic manuals. They create a scenario that develops the fictional drama of the good guy /bad guy and “those lying, terrible, sick kids,” who have been brainwashed by the bad parent or anyone the perpetrator of crimes against the child has inserted in their defense against accusers.

These parents have come to family court in Connecticut to protect their children from acts of heinous abuse, incest, and slander.

These children are telling the truth about terrible acts of abuse they have been subjected to. But the crime of defamation is committed against them, a despicable act of cowardice and fraud enacted by criminals sitting in positions of respectability.

This crime of defamation must be aggressively prosecuted, not adopted by judges as a defense of the perpetrator of crimes against the child, then referred to in court by judges, as liars and mentally ill.

The professionals about whom we write have betrayed their fiduciary responsibility to their clients. They are retained by equally conscienceless attorneys, aligned with remorseless judges engaged in racketeering for the purpose of bilking clients out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and fees to professionals to write fraudulent reports.

Though expert testimony has claimed that the children are being forced to live with a parent who is harming them, Jessica Biren Caverly Ph.D. has written “evaluations” that claim that the wonderful father wants to save these children, who are trying to please their mentally unstable mother who has “personality disorders.”

The Protective Parent Defendant has stated that this so-called “evaluation” was so replete with false, defamatory, libelous statements that the person it described sounded like a stranger to her.

Despite massive protests, the Protective Parent Mother was forced to submit to humiliating, factually false material written about her that was deployed to remove custody of her children into the hands of the adoptive father, whom the children deeply feared. The fraudulent document concocted by Caverly laid the groundwork for this travesty of justice.

It has been used to violate multiple Due Process rights and pave the way for court proceeding after court proceeding to clear the way for full custody award to the abuser.

The fabricated so-called psychological evaluation report has been used in court. It has been read allowed by Judge JK Grossman to the assembled crowd, in order to humiliate the Protective Parent and to provide uncorroborated testimony. The document was then sealed from inspection by the client and her lawyer, other than under supervision.

It has also been used to prevent authorities from any independent investigations. Even when the children were going to be evaluated at Yale Children’s Hospital, this fraudulent evaluation was used to cast doubt on their credibility.

As a result, the children were returned to the custody of their father, and as we came to know, were severely punished for weeks.

Among other problems with this case:
  • The children were told that the mother kidnapped them, and an Amber Alert was put out.
  • The son’s counselor will converse with the abusive parent but not the protective parent. This counselor trashes and blames the protective parent. One child rejects the false narrative, and this counselor also has promote divisiveness by making that child be the subject of attack.
  • The protective parent is not allowed to see any records.

The FCVFC requested and paid for a peer review document prepared by a licensed psychologist. This document supports the accusation of fraud.

Further documentation included a statement by an MD, attesting to her contact with Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD. It also included the MD’s assertions as to the lack of “Personality Disorders” fraudulently asserted by Caverly.

The FCVFC provided this information to the Connecticut Department of Public Health, out of deep concern for the health and welfare of these children whom we know to be undergoing profound trauma and distress.

We look forward to moving forward with the malpractice action against Jessica Biren Caverly, Ph.D.

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