Championing for child victims and their protective parents | a 501(c)3 nonprofit

A Call for Accountability in Ohio

A Call for Accountability in Ohio

A young boy was reportedly punched in the stomach by his father. This assault was reported to the police, but the boy continued to languish in his father’s custody.

Weeks after the episode, the Guardian ad Litem assigned to the case stated to his mother, “I have an appointment to see him next week. I will ask him about the issues you raised in your email. . . . Thank you for your information.”

The FCVFC knew we had to take this case to litigation, to advocate for the child and the protective parent, to raise public consciousness, to break through the mass public denial that good parents lose their children to abusers (for what used to be cash under the table, but as of 2021, apparently no cash under the table is necessary).

Here is the truth: Every single day in family courts across the United States, good and even wonderful parents lose children to abusers.

Every single day. In this land.

The following week the mother saw her son, a hitherto gifted, brilliant, lively, loving young man. She described him as silent, disheveled, with dirty fingernails, greasy hair, and clothes that were too tight and uncomfortably ill fitting. The mother said he clearly had not bathed for an extended period of time and smelled of feces. She knew that his father laughed to strangers that the boy was bed wetting.

During the mother’s supervised visitation, no discussion was allowed, only attention to an idiotic board game.

There could be no discussion with visitation supervisors over the physical and emotional state of the child.

Those responsible for the suffering of this child and countless others in his plight must be held accountable.

They must be sued under color of law for civil rights violations, and they must lose their licenses to practice their professions.

Our client is a professional, a business person who has been fighting family court for years. Her funds are severely depleted, yet we need to file suit against multiple bad actors.

This client’s fight is the same fight as every family who are fighting so that their children will not be transferred into the hands of their abusers through family court lies and larceny.

The FCVFC knows how to bring an end to the lies and larceny. We know how to make bad court actors accountable for their bad deeds.

But we need help, for this client and for all of you in similar positions. You can make a secure donation through PayPal, debit card, or credit card, here.

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