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Who Will You Be, Mr. Piacenza? Letter to the School Principal Who Had Experts Arrested

Below is a letter written by a Protective Mother who is too civilized for her audience: a school principal who seems to be a recruit of a family-court-sheltered gang of criminals.  We propose that neither the judge nor the principal can write with the eloquence and clarity this mother displays.

But the Family Court Judge is actually trying to place this brilliant and eloquent mother under conservatorship.

The way the principal treated two renowned medical professionals (see this article for that saga), whose credentials he cannot even comprehend let alone dream of matching, speaks to his brutal character.

These professionals were duly licensed and had legally-mandated reasons to be there–not to mention obligations to human decency. The principal’s disproportionate reaction is tantamount to an admission of guilt.

We will bring down full legal consequences on this gangster pretending to be a principal, as well as the violent father he is protecting at the expense of innocent children.

Interestingly, this principal wasn’t even scrupulous enough to have the father hide from the scene: during the entire scenario the father stood behind the principal, watching from a shady area a few steps back, fitting of his shadowy character.

At that same hour, the father was supposed to be at his matrimonial hearing.  But it appears that in Family Court, the favored litigant does not even have to ask to be excused or be given all kinds of allowances in order to have matters ruled his way.

In our opinion, Michael Piacenza has no business holding an educator’s job. But what an opportunity for Family Court.


Who will you be, Mr. Piacenza?

Leadership is an act of guiding a group of people or an organization to a desired goal, result, or higher level.  When [my daughter] began to show an interest in American history, I took both children to the home of George Washington in Mount Vernon, Virginia.  [My daughter] read one of his quotes: “Remember that it is the actions, and not the commission, that make the office, and that there is more expected from him than the title.”

In my professional experience with schools, government officials, and corporate leaders, many of whom I was responsible for selecting, effective leadership qualities always begin with empathy and understanding the “needs” of the situation by looking at the bigger picture.

I ask that we revisit two happenings together.

Happening I: On June 22, 2022 when two doctors showed up on the school grounds, what would have been the safest and best way to resolve the situation?  Is it wise to allow the spectacle of five police squad cars with sirens blazing, showing up to roughly handcuff unarmed doctors for arrest, with students, parents, and other teachers there to witness it?  It was quite a theatrical show of force.

I cannot speak for the doctors, but I already feared something like this could be one of the options you would consider.  As an educator, I was hoping you would choose simply to speak to them and at least to inform yourself on what they brought to present.

Mr. Piacenza, there is not one method for being strategic, but flexing the power of your position in a more thug-like than educator-like fashion was impressive to me, coming from a family of educators.

Happening II: I believe that the above spectacular incident could have been prevented.  Your repetitive avoidances, not answering questions directly, and last-minute unrealistic responses are not in the direction of solving urgent issues.  If I indeed told you the truth (that I believe my child is suffering right now), would you wait over the summer to chat?  In addition, Dr. [Redacted] reached out to you over two months ago, and you had plenty of time to respond.

Is it your choice to take directions from [a non-medical attorney and my husband, who was seen to be standing behind you during the whole incident], but not decide as a principal who needs to judge matters for himself?  Why were you unable to give these doctors five minutes of your time, when they had traveled a long way because of what they believed was their medical obligation?

Being an educator, especially a leader of educators, should mean that you look at facts and evidence for yourself to help protect the children.  This is all basic to having a clear vision of your own that becomes a role model/advocate for all who look to you as more than just a transactional principal.

I am available to discuss any of this with you, if you have something to say, but for now I leave you with an excerpt from Superintendent Dr. Gorman’s Monthly Column:

“The district’s Tradition of Excellence surrounds us and lives within us.  Show empathy.  Awaken creativity.  Think critically.  Deepen resilience.  Be the amazing individual that you were meant to be. Go Maroons!”

Stringing words together on a happy note is easy, but acting on them is not.

Who will you be?



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