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Family Court Judges Viewed As Family Annihilators


Judges tend to be existentially revered, and viewed as individuals chosen for their character, discipline, intellect, and observance of the law by the public at large. The facts that have, over an extended period of time, reveal the facts that indicate a form of character pathology associated with power and unlimited authority over life, property, wealth, speech, rights to association and life choices that are entirely incompatible with Democratic values and social norms.

The secret society of family court corruption that has evolved over seventy plus years has been formed by the the concept of “parental alienation” and associated concepts that are in opposition to the tenets of medical science, psychiatry and child development. The Gardner concept of “parental alienation” formed a conduit to separating children from Protective Parents and isolation with the abuser from whom protection for the child was sought. The concepts associated with the Richard Gardner MD perversion driven permission to unleash every vile form of child abuse forms the basis for a court culture of child trafficking and all of the attendant perversions associated with money over morals. The character of those emissaries of cruelty controlling a social order in which such an antithetical process of family reorganization has become the rule and not the exception is a product of evolution of developing the worst characteristics of sadistic psychopathic personality disorders once associated only with a class of criminals studied as serial killers.

The serial killers/murderers who carried out their acts of cruelty in secret isolation were historically studied as bizarre exceptions to criminal culture. These highly unique characters responded to with shock and horror by the public when their identities were unmasked have in fact in current culture become the rule and not the exception in family court culture of denying the existence of child sexual abuse and responding to such claims by punishing any and all accusers with viciously harsh sanctions such as immediate custody transfer from the protective parent to isolation with the abuser. Concomitant to such punishment were financial sanctions, contempt charges and prison time to the accuser. The child victims have been forced into a torture process of brain washing known to the court as “reunification therapy” that forces a child as the accuser into full and total submission to the accused abuser, while isolating the child, often in perpetuity to the custody of the abuser.

Hidden from plain view because of the shame experienced by parent victims, innocent of crime , the accused abuser becomes the recipient of the largesse of family assets and long term, often excessive child support. The protective parent deprived of finances to support a defense for themselves and the subject child is immobilized and castrated, stopped dead in their tracks from mounting a defense for themselves and their child.



Those transforming the social landscape are judges sitting in positions of power to remove children from the parents they love and trust and force them to live with those who shamelessly, wantonly feed off of their bodies, derive pleasure from their pain and are beyond the control of law and order. Children are viewed as liars and predators under the Gardner concept that denies the existence of sexual abuse and claims incest as a “normal” family dynamic. The pain of others is disregarded, dismissed, treated with mistrust, derision, hostility, followed by orders for punitive retribution – jailing, financial sanctions driving masses of the public into bankruptcy or a total state of destitution as ordered by the presiding authorities, gatekeepers for the legal process presenting evidence and determining ultimate outcomes that in time and consequence radiate way beyond the legal age limit of eighteen to twenty one as is consistent with age jurisdiction for child custody subjects.

The public preoccupation with confusion over the source of child rage expressed in once unimaginable form of mass violence, via mass gun violence, parental murders, extremely high rates of drug abuse, alcoholism, and suicides. One need to look no further than the disruption caused by family court judges, men and women migrated from the ranks that have evolved through the trainings of Richard Gardner MD and his views on the importance of precipitating child engagement in adult sexual activity, normalizing every form of depraved perversion noted in the atrocities wrought by serial killers and popularized in the writings / teachings of Marat De Sade.

The unique position of family court judges blessed with the escape hatch of judicial discretion, leaves room to avoid evidence production in favor of the experience and judgment of the judge in place of the accountability or oversight, and the rules, evidence and expert witness production . They have the power to write the rules that benefit themselves and those who are engaged in allegiance to them as per the court appointment process that has become in the opinion of this observer, a license to lie, cheat and steal for monetary gain and enhancement of the illusion of absolute power and authority over life and death without concern for the consequences to individuals, the legacy of family integrity and last and of extreme importance is the impact upon the social order.

The prevailing social view is that evil acts of cruelty, and crimes are acted out by individuals of “bad ” character who have experienced harm and suffering in their own lives and are acting out rage against others, either randomly or in some directed, focused manner.

The personality profile of judges administering life and death commandments over the captive audiences in their courts have developed over the years of evolution of power and authority.. Gradually accrued, met with little or no resistance, girded by the expansion of financial reward via flow of government funding such as Title IVD funds transferred from Federal to state coffers via billing for services ordered by the court and billed without oversight or regulation have empowered judicial authorities to weaponize the custody assignment process by following the money. Designating abusers as a class of litigants wrongfully classified, because according to the prevailing conceptual framework any parent who claims abuse is a liar, seeking an advantage by manipulating emotion and sympathy from the court. Eliminating empathy, compassion, along with the ability to dismiss the necessity of developing and presenting evidence through a qualified discovery process allows the” trier of fact” to skip to a conclusion automatically, as if the presentation of emotionally charged material in connection with factual material would in itself disqualify the evidence associated with the consequence of feeling related to acts that would be viewed as cruel . The logical consequence is that an automatic conclusion of hostility toward anyone who presents evidence of an emotional nature associated with crimes that should be viewed as heinous and deserving of punishment then causes the court to dismiss such evidence, react with hostility and disbelief toward the victimized subject who is then punished for presenting material that is discredited because of the innate nature of the emotions that should reasonably be taken into account and weigh heavily in favor of a victimized party.

The process of automatically accepting a false narrative that drives financial incentives built into custody and associated financial benefits to a custodian creates a natural selection for those who occupy seats of power and authority who are themselves capable of ignoring the natural element of feeling in favor of an intellectual argument that in fact has no merit, but can prevail because of judicial discretion to not hear evidence, to exclude testimony and to disparage and decapitate witnesses to crimes of terrible, heart wrenching acts of cruelty and inhumanity..

The family court system that has evolved since the decade of the 1980’s that witnessed the presence of the Gardner concepts related to the acceptability of introducing very young children to sexual activity, stimulation and engagement for the purpose of increasing the birth rate within the white community has evolved with and developed by a natural selection of judges to court benches across the USA who are comfortable with the intellectual argument related to a lack of responsiveness to emotional receptiveness, empathy, intuitive identification as if such receptiveness was trickery, meant to deceive and trick the judicial decision making process.

The volume of cases being decided in family courts across the USA are daily processing an excess of cases involving custody litigation where children are being forced into the isolation of vicious, violent, depraved custodians and Protective Parents are being removed from the lives of their children, often for many years or even forever. The consequences to civilized society involve the acceleration of generating populations of next generations that are emotionally and intellectually deprived, depraved, disorganized, dysfunctional human beings . The risk to the general population as a result of the madness and depravity induced by this reorganization and mass manufacturing of youth driven out of their minds by grief and rage is to produce a chaotic volatile, unpredictable eruptions of those in despair and grief for their own dysfunction and inability to function or sustain themselves within any community.

The secrecy and capacity of court systems to suppress evidence of deeply flawed judicial orders directing custody transfers of vulnerable subjects into the isolation and control of those who would use and abuse them in perpetuity is a system that self regulated the ongoing fraud, corruption and cruelty, driven by judges whose own deeply flawed, depraved character pathology then perpetuates an ongoing and growing environment of depravity, violence and chaos.

Disclosure of facts, names, description of acts of abuse suffered by crime victims is a source of deepening the divide dealing with the protection of abused children. Children who are murdered have the facts of what they suffered disclosed. Their pictures and personal histories are on display, while those who suffer in silence and isolation by anonymity to what they are suffering languish in the pain of their isolation and anonymity, thus protecting the abuser.

Children must be seen, heard and believed. Crimes committed by judges and all so called court appointed subjects of judicial immunity must be prosecuted for their crimes committed under the
Color of law. The penalties for those who wantonly and consciously commit crimes protected against lawful, necessary disclosure must be provided penalties commensurate with the enormity of their crimes.

The FCVFC is advocating for child victims speech, disclosure and support for their discloosures that must not be cloaked in erroneous shame or girl that rightfully belongs to the perpetrator of crimes committed against them. The laws associated with anonymity of victims is not for the benefit of the victim but rather for the protection of abusers lest the full nature of their harm, the consequences experienced by victims should not be withheld lest the full wigt of blame does not fall on the experience of punishment and shame that should be attributed to abusers,

Jiil Jones Soderman 9/9/2024

The concept of a bad environment, cruelty, and terrible treatment by parents or caretakers is who they are. Taking advantage of opportunities and disregarding boundaries are exchanged for power, such personalities see a green light instead of a red one.

of lack of these boundaries has evolved to push boundaries even further it creates assistance for those in 2024 and no longer provides judges the means to not have such restraint—incentivizing even further lack of restraint and a vacuum where self-appointed individuals who take power and authority over others as a ground rule and natural law of the land. The concept of the facts is that they are not only bending the rules but breaking the rules and acting in a manner that is harmful to the public at large. As of 2024 can be best described as a form of lawless behavior, but behavior that is psychopathic, sadistic, and absent of empathy and concern for the greater societal good. Complete disregard for the impact of the greater social good. What are talking about at this time is referring to the judges having evolved into creating a court system that is a black hole of crime. This system promotes the annihilation of families, child trafficking, and a clear drive in the direction of creating a mastered slave society. By transferring children into the custody of chronic abusers. In the manner of this treatise, the current generation of judges since the 1970s has come to full maturity of Richard Gardner’s cottage industry that puts forth as medical science and Truth the concept that children are sexual beings and are appropriate subjects of adults sexually. Therefore the concept of incest and child abuse no longer exists. The underlying fundamental of social norms of good and evil is related to the destruction of children and the cannibalization of children by not only permitting but encouraging adult sexual engagement with children. Children as young as infants are viewed as appropriate sexual targets, by Gardner’s words, and a crime against humanity and the most primal form of sexual engagement.

The fundamental nature of understanding the vulnerability and sanctity of childhood was thrown into the dumpster. The entire integrity and morale basis of a family court justice system evolved into the black hole we know today. The abandonment, the fundamental psychological truth we know about childhood development and the related sexual maturity were cast out as a major dynamic involved in high-conflict divorce. This involves children of child abuse and domestic violence. As the attorney Barr Association began to generate courses undermining the credibility of testimony or even of the existence and credibility of claims of physical or sexual abuse based on a cynical view that the most terrible charges are raised by truth and danger to individuals, but because the claims would have the most impact in terms of gaining an advantage. The cynical advantage is to the person who raises these concerns and these issues were waived entirely. At first the evolution of and profusion of examination of the truth of sexual abuse and domestic violence became on the legs of the collage industry and court tactics. A profusion of legal and medical experts dealing with whether or not such harm existed.

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