Championing for child victims and their protective parents | a 501(c)3 nonprofit

Family Court Corruption: Notice of Acute Danger to Generations of Children Being Removed from the Custody of Protective Parents / Transferred into the Isolation of Abusers

sad child

Generations of children have already experienced the devastation their lives by loss of parenting time with their protectors and beloved extended family.

The social chaos, anger, hatred, and destruction experienced at the hands of enraged youth, crazed adults, and an enraged population that has experienced the violations associated with suppression of First Amendment Rights of Free Speech, Equal Access to Courts and Representation for Violation of Constitutional Rights, is overflowing in the form of random, diffuse outpourings of unidentified rage.

Protective parents who seek to legitimately litigate crimes related to multiple forms of child abuse, neglect, denial of children’s competence to speak, to be heard, to be protected, are being falsely charged with pursuing provocative charges that are uniformly enforced against protective parents with fully legitimate claims.

The so-called legal framework for denial of charges of abuse is a blanket, empty phrase “parental alienation” that has come to stand for a debunked theory that advocates for the acceptance of sexual abuse of children and the fostering of the propagation of children as sexual slaves in a society that renders independence of speech, thought and free will as antithetical to a master/slave society.

The Family Courts across the country are empowered with Government funds through Titles 4D and 4F. Initiated by local court agency personnel to seek billing for expert testimony to support a false theory of child development associated with promoting child sexual abuse.

Despite the massive outcry of legitimate professionals across the country the cash flow to attorneys, the support by Bar Associations across the country for theories that massively undermine the protection of children and their protectors in all forms, the tide of perversion and destruction of families is overwhelming the population and endangering generations of Citizens by promulgating a culture of hatred, bitterness and perversion.

The Foundation For Child Victims Of The Family Courts litigates, prosecutes, and advocates on behalf of protective parents and their children who are being decimated by attorneys who represent forces of fraud, lies and larceny, who leave families torn apart and bankrupted.

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