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The Crisis in Family Courts: Separating Children from Protective Parents

sad child in mother's arms

Little children find themselves in the crosshairs of family court corruption, isolated from protective parents and pressed into the sole custody of alleged abuser parents. Family courts across the country proclaim that they advocate for children to experience the care and protection of both parents, but in reality, these courts actively engage in separating children from protective parents, placing them in isolation with abusive parents.

The directive of family courts to shut down abuse accusations has become their mantra, aligning with Richard Gardner’s concept of parental alienation. This concept posits that child abuse, particularly child sexual abuse, doesn’t exist. Gardner’s directive adopts the notion that children are sexual beings from birth, acclimated towards early engagement in sexual pleasure, effectively negating the concept of sexual abuse.

Under this premise of denying child sexual abuse, Title 4D and 4E mandates have created a flow of federal funds accessed by family court experts. This funding has become an open gateway for accused parental abusers to retain psychological or psychiatric experts who defend the position that no abuse occurred. These experts often base their statements on the erroneous belief that children lie, cheat, and fabricate to remain with indulgent parents, or that children are empty vessels incapable of independent thoughts or feelings.

This false concept allows for the evisceration of truth by denying that children are sentient, thinking, feeling beings with thoughts independent of adult directives. These tactics, consistent with an autocratic directive, undermine children’s ability to communicate their experiences of abuse and provide testimony. This approach creates a master-slave authority dynamic, beginning with the undermining of the family unit as a source of acculturation.

The Authoritarian Shift: From Democratic Ideals to Master-Slave Dynamics

The uniqueness of multiple cultures and ethnic backgrounds unified within a democratic structure is thoroughly undermined by this autocratic model. It dictates a master-slave society where a ruling class controls and mandates separate roles for men, women, and children. This doctrine, operating through a centralized source, authoritatively dictates the roles and functions of identified classes of citizens.

Since the introduction of Gardner’s parental alienation concept, family courts across the United States have adopted an unspoken but prevailing philosophy that views children as sexual slaves. This approach designates all litigants seeking protection through child abuse accusations as liars while viewing alleged abusers as victims of false allegations despite palpable evidence of abuse. This upside-down world, where victims become abusers and abusers become victims, has severely altered the entire culture and nature of the family court process.

Judges now exercise unique judgments, ostensibly to protect privacy and process sensitive evidence confidentially. However, this has led to an automatic dismissal of evidence evaluation and scientific review. The assumption that all abuse complaints are false has become the norm, with complainants instantly viewed as instigators of false claims and culpable of crimes.

This conveyor-belt process of instant designations results in children being transferred into the custody of their abusers, silenced, and isolated from protection. The isolation of children in the hands of abusers, removed from protection, represents one of the gravest atrocities in civilized societies. These children are terrorized, subject to depression and despair, with all sources of rescue beyond their control. In numerous cases, abused children are forcibly separated from their protectors and scolded as liars and perpetrators of harm to “innocent” adults who are, in fact, violators and criminals.

This reversal of reality has become a tenet of family courts, increasingly echoed across civilized society and manifesting in eruptions of violence nationwide. The outburst of violent rage stems from a standard embracing individuals’ rights to act with unabridged violence and disregard for intimate neighbors and family.

The inconceivable denial of sanctioned aggression persists in a world where a few individuals in positions of authority dictate terms for the general public. The public’s lack of outcry against this irrational position allows for the continuation of behaviors with no historical basis.

Victims must cease being victims and counter these authoritarian assertions of violence and perversion. The existence of evil, harm, and destruction must be called out for what it is, and the public’s witness of such wrongful acts must not be ignored.

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