Book Appendix Documents
1. Hearsay commentary of undercover surveillance.
There was no videorecording or audiorecording of this undercover operator’s “findings.” Only hearsay.
2. Note to Paul Dasher
This is the handwritten note I gave to Paul Dasher, PhD, in the court hallway during a hearing at which Dasher reputedly appeared before Judge Margaret Mary McVeigh. (I was not present in that courtroom scene.) Dasher then gave this handwritten note to Judge Margaret Mary McVeigh, who called it a “report to the court” from me. The fabricated communication provided by Margaret Mary McVeigh to the New Jersey Licensing Board was part of a contrived complaint related to events that never occurred that were then used as the basis for investigation against my New Jersey social work license.
3. JJS lawsuit character witness Dr. Monty Weinstein
4. Hairbrush
Statement from the mother of the four children for whom I served as a child advocate in bringing charges of physical abuse against the father.
5. Letter from Strengthen Our Sisters to the judge
In which the director provided testimony related to her direct knowledge of severe physical emotional sexual abuse of shelter resident/mother of three boys who had become the subjects of my advocacy.
6. Mother’s signed permission statement
7. Letter to Charles Crescenz, NJ Attorney General’s office
8. Court order re visitation and police rendering “all assistance necessary”
9. Letter from Saint Clare’s Hospital
10. Article about Margaret Mary McVeigh “Alleged Corruption”
11. Published statement following the death of 12-year-old child October 5, 2005.
13. Consequences to parents who cooperate with the court in sharing custody with abusers
14. Traits and Examples
Forensic file case documenting children suffering when courts isolate children in the hands of an abuser. detailed chronicling of abuse suffered by the children was submitted to the court and ignored until the foundation confronted and demanded action from the Utah state attorney general’s office —which eventually led to the freeing of the children from abusive that rose to the level torture.
15. Virginia pedophile who ran for Congress
JJS court case Margaret Mary McVeigh
Article about lawsuit against attorney
Material by Jill Jones Soderman
“Not Victims, Experts by Experience”
“The Family Bed: the Last Taboo”
The Court Arena As The Crucible Of Corruption: Judge Margaret Mary McVeigh
Articles about Jill Jones Soderman
“Taking the Pain Out of Divorce”
“Children’s Advocate Jill Jones Soderman treats families in distress”