Testimonial by investigative reporter and family court advocate: Nikki Isaac
A Warrior for the Innocent: Why Jill Jones Soderman is the Advocate Every Family Court Victim Needs
Jill Jones Soderman is one of the only true experts in her field who has dedicated her life to defending the innocent and vulnerable. Her commitment to justice is unwavering, and her willingness to stand up for those who are defenseless in family court is unmatched. In a system designed to silence dissent and protect corruption, Jill stands as a beacon of hope.
Testimonial by Massachusetts Mama Bears
“Dear Ms Soderman, There are so many of us who are in awe of your bravery and rely upon your leadership to fight for the rights of all children. The ruling in favor of Powell is a disgrace; a verdict to silence our children. We are not attorneys, we are a small group of moms destroyed by court corruption and “actors” as you say. Thank you for being the warrior our children need.”
Testimonial by Isabella Reyes Alfano
“I want to thank FVCV (Foundation for the Child Victims of the Family Courts) for all their help and support in my adversarial divorce and child custody battle. I had three of my own attorneys work vehemently against me in a divorce matter that was draped in corruption and court bias. My ex husband has many political and law enforcement connections. He would not comply with any judicial orders, police incident reports were written documenting false allegations and the prosecutor’s office even had a police officer lie on his behalf in a response to a civil complaint I submitted. All internal affairs and civil complaints against the police department and the prosecutor’s office inaction were never addressed and simply dismissed. I and the twins were put through a 2 1/2 year Title 9 and Title 30 case. I refused to sign my parental rights to the court therefore I was strongly targeted as the uncompliant parent. Under the care and custody of the court their father’s behavior didn’t change. It emboldened him to continue his non compliance and physical abuse because he knew there would be no consequences to him.
I searched for support from other mothers/ parents not understanding how this could be legally possible. Parents that have been stripped of their due process and weighed down by the stress of threats of having their children taken and given to their abuser, financial ruin and the sense of hopelessness that can only be described as tortured desperation. I was in a support group for parents abused by the family court and I was recommended to reach out to FCVFV . Not only have they assisted in all aspects of my case they confirmed that my case is not an anomaly. They took a holistic approach to my divorce, DCP&P and Civil Complaint cases.
By the time I connected with FCVFV I was at the point of dumping 5 years of recorded interactions with the corrupt police, the court appointed “therapist” that literally lied on his summary to support their prepackaged narrative onto the internet. I strongly say that these individuals LIE without fear of defamation claims because I have recorded PROOF!.. You will find that evidence and witness testimony that goes against the Family Court PreConfigured Narrative are just dismissed! Oftentimes evidence against the courts interests are noted as unworthy to investigate or simply told it can be addressed in “trial”. FCVFC knows the playbook, FCVFC knows what their plans are and how to beat them at their own game. Family court is a court system without a jury and without oversight. Family courts have unfettered power over your children and your freedom.
FCVFC helps parents that are victims of Family Court stand up to the bullies because FCVFC understands that most of us are not fighting this hard for ourselves. Parents battered by Family Court fight this aggressively because we live to protect our children from being wards of the state. In April 2023 the Directors of HHS (Health and Human Services) and the director of ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement) testified under oath to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearings that they could not confirm where 85,000 children that were actively being “helped and protected” by these government funded human traffickers. These systems are not in place to protect families but to destroy them.
FCVFC’s director is Jill Jones Soderman her passion to protect families and keep children safe is evident in every 3 a.m phone call and daily efforts. Her strength in continuing to speak truth to power is a wonder to hear. She gives a voice to the voiceless.
I’m grateful to FCVFCs and Ms Soderman’s bravery to stand against a well funded corrupt Family Court system.
Many thanks,
Isabella Reyes Alfano”