Championing for child victims and their protective parents | a 501(c)3 nonprofit

Baby Bravery – The Forbidden From Being Told Stories Of Little Children

scared child

We will begin with the story of one four-year-old whose horrific suffering began as little more than an infant and less than a toddler….

Baby Fa. was about 4 years old when the raised voices and impassioned pleas of Baby Fa’s family first invaded my every thought, chilled my blood, but lit my passions on her behalf.

The family had already been through several sets of expensive lawyers who they were sure were “on their side” and fighting for the protection of the child. each time it became apparent to them that the team of lawyers who took their phone calls, recorded their stories, and mouthed exclamations of horror interpreted as support, they were left in disbelief when the words of support for the offender were affirmed by their lawyers … suddenly pointing out issues of law and” legal” support for the adversary that had not been raised before or during ongoing discussions and incidents that defined and begged for the addressing of horrendous physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

Baby Fa’s mother and maternal grandmother and then her grandfather became my very constant day and night companions as their voices and writing created volumes of documentation to be formulated into legal pleadings, motions, and appeals, every litigation intervention imaginable creating a history documenting the cruelty, indifference to suffering and magnitude of collusion caught on tape between lawyers for the family and lawyers for the perpetrator of physical, sexual and emotional harm to the child ….. a wink and a nod to useless legal detritus in the form of a reconsideration document that would go no place provided a moment of humor, a glimmer – a snapshot of the camaraderie between legal sparring partners that all cheered for the same team – that of a brutal sexual abuser of a baby whose early images on a body cam displayed a mere baby in diapers having her diapers pulled off by the man holding her by her legs, upside down. he held a wooden paddle and was paddling the screaming baby……..

Later, in a Chicago criminal court an attorney general stated – on the record – ” a father has the right to impose discipline on a child”………..the fcvfc asserted – that the public has the right to exclude that so-called legal representative from ever failing to represent the public in his official capacity again……..

When Baby Fa. was confronted by a malevolent DCFS caseworker who appeared at the door to remove her from her protective parent /mother and bring her to the father or to foster care if the mother objected to the forced contact Baby Fa. wrapped her five-year-old body around the ice-cold caseworker who was there to “do her job”…..fa. grabbed her legs so she could barely move, dug her nails and teeth into her flesh so she could barely speak….. but I heard her scream……. Baby Fa. was not taken to foster care or to her abusive father but to a safe haven that protected her for a few days until permanent safety could be secured.

As I was on the phone – yelling at the caseworker who refused to engage with me but who heard my words threatening to sue her in her personal and professional capacity the police arrived………

The battle to rescue baby Fa. involved forms of fight and no flight!

Baby Fa is now nearly eight years old.
she called me to let me know that she has been in the honor roll at her school now for two years and is looking forward to a third year.
she loves to dance, sing, and play sports.
she lets me know that she is very “competitive” loves to “win” and loves to help others.
she knows that she is grateful and wants to help “other children” and to this end, she writes to President Biden

The courage and fight displayed by this baby we wish would be summoned by the adults ………threatened and intimidated…. coerced, bludgeoned into action that needs to be resisted…… too many remain passive, silenced, defeated……..

There are more baby Fa. stories and stories of children of all ages who find the courage to speak to flee, to survive in captivity knowing that their truth will set them and all others free of the weight of silence, conspiracy, and collusion within the locked limbs of family court actors that profit from the suffering forced upon protective parents sentenced to jail terms, bankruptcy, and the worst of all suffering … the loss of their children.

Family court corruption facilitated by gag orders, custody transfers of children into the isolation of abusers, imprisonment of protective parents, and bankrupting litigants via court orders to pay lawyers who advocate for criminal abusers must stop.

Journalism and lawsuits against attorney financial fraud have begun to expose the abuses committed in the course of family court corruption under the excuse of judicial discretion, unique to family court judges.

The cash flow floods of legal illegal billing of court-appointed fraud are beginning to be examined, exposed, and prosecuted by the FCVFC financial fraud unit.

Scholarly legal prosecution of a violation of due process is in the process via the legal support services and nexus of forensic, financial, and psychiatric defenses deployed by the FCVFC.

The public must bring their courage and the resources to wage the fight …the FCVFC will bring the intellectual resources and organized deployment of resources to raise/raze ( end) the criminal actions of family court racketeering.

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