Championing for child victims and their protective parents | a 501(c)3 nonprofit

New Jersey Mother Wins Against Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP)

corrupt court system - buying judge

The Path To Fighting Unconscionable Judicial/DCPP Abuse Begins With This Article

The protocol for fighting and winning against New Jersey’s Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) and family court criminal child trafficking enterprise begins with audio / video recording and fighting back against illegal/criminal court orders. Facilitated by attorneys whose allegiance to the court and not the client undermines parental protection of minors as well as the full panoply of civil rights guaranteed by the bill of rights and the United States Constitution. Within this context, the protocol for success begins with parental outrage/intelligence/discipline and an abject refusal to be intimidated or overcome by the autocratic authority of state elected/ appointed criminals invested with judicial authority.

Faced with the overwhelming, ongoing violent physical and emotional abuse of her twin children that included the father screaming at his 10-year-old autistic son, stating that he was going to shoot him in the head while choking him, and the similarly violent physical attacks on the twin daughter, documented by video and audio tapes, the mother was issued a temporary restraining order and subsequently an final restraining order. These criminal charges lodged by the DCPP and supported by the family court judges (to be named) was based on the specific incidents of violence resulting in documented physical injuries to the children that occurred on: July 8th, 2021, Oct. 25th, 2021, Nov. 4th 2021, Nov. 5th 2021, Nov. 8th 2021, Feb 14th 2022, May 12th 2022, May 21st, 2022, and May 2nd, 2023.

The father, a deranged (documented ) but not stupid man, defendedhimself using the tactic of attempted befuddlement and confusion. The offense against the defense involves accusing the victim of the crimes committed by the abuser.

The mother (the victim and the protective parent) accused by her abuser and abuser of her children of “sleeping” with various political leaders whose political campaigns she worked on as a volunteer. In response to the false accusations to clear her name, she demanded and actualized polygraph testing that was completed on both parties. Two-thousand and eighteen was the date of the first polygraph testing that concluded with indisputable evidence that the husband was lying by placing multiple false allegations against his wife. Further, he denied the accusation of physical violence, sexual abuse and rape against his wife and violence against the children; even though these acts were fully documented via the audio and video taping of the polygraph proceedings.

Despite multiple forms of supporting evidence of violence, lies, threats, and collusion between the perpetrator of harm against the vulnerable subjects (i.e., the wife and children) the victims were barely able to secure police protection, DCPP protection for the children or family court protection against the aggressive physical/emotional, financial incursions of the deranged, violent abuser – the father.

The director of internal affairs for the police dept. of the Parsippany police was the source of policy procedure information that the protective parent, the mother, then used to document the failure of the police to enforce or abide by any of their own policies. Despite massive, fully documented, credible evidence, police authorities consistently lied, provided counter false information that was credibly able to be proven to be false, manipulated and concocted to undermine the evidence against the abuser parent that resulted in police reports being returned as “unfounded.”

The police officers who presented themselves as unbiased, uninvolved, separate and with no connection to key programs that provided false coverage for the abuser parent are routinely documented as being part of the constabulary. For example, the documented violent abuser of his wife and children was a devoted and active member of the brotherhood/lodge membership of the Morris County lodge # 2561 of the “Sons of Italy” whose membership includes the Parsippany mayor, councilmen, Parsippany focus editor newspaper, police and enforcement officers. A photo of membership attached. indicating the presence of the bond; specifically, the affectionate bond between the mayor of Parsippany and the Jersey Battered Women’s Services (JBWS) crisis team leader – Robin M. Hughs.

Evidence in our possession documents the fact(s) that lodge members referred the abuser to the domestic violence shelter of the JBWS and provided him with a statement saying that he sought refuge at the shelter as an abuse victim after he was reported to the police for particularly violent acts against the mother and the children. These violent acts were documented in video and audio tape that chronicled each episode of assault on the children and his wife. Pictures that were time stamped and dated were ignored by the police and the court as the victim mother sought to defend herself against temporary and final restraining orders in favor of simple affidavits on behalf of the abuser by staff of the domestic violence shelter.

Hard evidence documenting the lies and the larceny of the deranged parent was the subject of further outrage as the abuser was supported by the domestic violence staff; providing him with three months of free food/shelter and a furnished apartment. All food and support services were paid for by taxpayer fund contributions from the “Sons of Italy” organization and other undisclosed sources of funding. These latter sources of funding were investigated by the non-profit evaluation experts of the Foundation For Child Victims Of the Family Courts, Inc. (FCVFC) as per the annual public report for the non-profit dated 2022.

An internal investigation that involved reporting more than twenty documented incidents in which the spouse and children of the violent, behaviorally evidenced, deranged and dangerous abuser, along with threats to institutionalize their son, concluded, based on a sample of three events: I would not have handled [the incidents] that way, said the authorities who absolved the involved police. Multiple issues included in the detailed, documented incident reports, addressed by the victim /parent were never addressed by the police. All documentation, evidence and disgraceful response correspondence from the internal affairs police are in the possession of forensic experts and are being shared with the press for expansive cover-up of family court /DCPP collusion and cover-up of crimes committed against vulnerable subjects.

We must again reiterate that the violent acts of he father, the torture he imposed on his children and the violence enacted against his wife are documented in detail as per occurrence, dates, times and witnesses. at all times and for each event public figures, attorneys, judges, a variety of court appointed experts lied, cheated and provided false and misleading testimony, in order to ensnare the children in a scheme to illegally tap into taxpayer funds that support public and DCPP programs. These actions were orchestrated to enact separation of children from the protective parent (i.e., the mother) either by ordering children into the custody and isolation of the abuser or into foster care and adoption.

This protective parent fought the bureaucratic structure that repeatedly threatened her with jail and the removal of her children. The unconscionable suffering of her children were captured in excruciating detail, and were preserved and protected by the forensic experts and expertise of the FCVFC who are now in the process of seeking prosecution and accountability of every single perpetrator of harm to this family in order to not only hold accountable this criminal racketeering, the group of conspirators, but to provide a protocol to the general public.
***The then husband was engaged in a public campaign of defamation, referring to the victim mother as a “whore” commentary disseminated by the husband and his family to the larger community in which she and her children resided. He claimed that he was a domestic violence victim despite the documented evidence of his departure from the marital home/abandonment of his children as he moved into the home of his paramour and her children. on April 15, 2020 during the beginning of the covid epidemic outbreak.

The accused abuser left his wife and children after having been confronted with multiple forms of infidelity that included consorting with prostitutes and the liaison with a paramour with whom he briefly took up residence. He then sought asylum/ the protection of the JBWS domestic violence shelter in Morristown, New Jersey; thus adding insult to injury against the protective parent, the mother. The father engaged the support of JBWS management to legitimize his lie of being a victim of domestic violence. JBWS signed a letter validating his false accusation to solidify a defense to be used against the mother, the protective parent.

Faced with the authority of the state supporting the ongoing, documented violence of a deranged oppositional offender, who refused to cease and desist having his way with his wife and children, he found a cooperative partner in state authorities to wage an ongoing battle to remove all protections for children and their protective mother who would not take “no” for the ongoing hale of abuse hurled in the drive to exert total control.

The drive to make children the wards of the State of New Jersey, driven by officials of the State deeming the protective parent to be non-cooperative, included coercive tactics of threats and intimidation that instead of having the officials prosecuted under federal criminal statute 18 usc1512, financial sanctions for legal fees, threats of incarceration, corporal punishment … a father can impose discipline against his children which included violence, starvation, abandonment, false allegations by a mentally deranged violent parent All of the above was fine with the DCPP. For example, it was recorded that the DCPP stated that “we can come into your house at 2 am – open your refrigerator.” It was also reported that “she’s not cooperative… we can put you in jail for contempt…..”

The protective parent fully documented via video/audio recordings, medical reports and police reports of physical injuries to the children. Video’s also documented the father’s insane rage attacks that were so out of control that when he cannot reach the children to hit them, he is hitting himself, and scratching his own face.

The children disclosed abuse to their DCPP attorney and the twins met twice with the judge and wrote letters describing their father’s abuse and threats. The protective parent, the mother, also met with the court appointed therapist. the video of the abusive father yelling, hitting and scratching his own face was labeled only as “concerning”. However the mother’s psychologist reviewed the footage and described that an individual that causes self-harm during an intense emotional outburst or rage can be referred as “self-injurious behavior”.

Further it was noted that the behavior demonstrated in the video as “intermittent explosive disorder” where a person has episodes of uncontrolled anger that can lead to aggressive behaviors towards themselves or others. When the mother faced DCPP during the Title 30 hearing, she was very clear in advising the court that this anger and rage outbursts is what she and her children suffered in silence for years. The irony that the abuser father now stands as the accuser, fabricating a narrative so distorted that it defied reality. A cruel parody, a grotesque reversal of roles that can only be secured with having friends in high places. The protective parent mother has something that the abusive father doesn’t have – documented video, audios, photos. Trying to dismember the mother’s credibility and reputation is all the more difficult when undeniable evidence is submitted to a seriously compromised family court enterprise.

The FCVFC litigates and seeks prosecution of crimes committed by officers of courts against litigants without fear or favor. Because of the overwhelming long term life altering consequences to individuals, communities and the Constitutional order each case must be fought to the maximum and won!

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