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Judge Maritza Martinez Can Run But She Cannot Hide From Documentation Of Her Serial Killer, Family Annihilating Career As A Chicago, Illinois Judge

Judge Maritza Martinez Can Run But She Cannot Hide

The accounts of lives impacted and destroyed by the vindictive insistence on power and control enacted by and with the collective cruel custody transfers of children who were (and are) isolated in the custody of abusers by Chicago judge Maritza Martinez will not be silenced. Criminal referrals to prosecutors on charges of facilitation of child endangerment, suffering, and potential murder/suicide will continue to document the toxic, vendetta-driven rulings of demonstrably sadistic psychopathy.

A review of full trial evidence which includes all underlying expert and medical evidence documentation by the Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts, indicated that Judge Martinez’s judicial orders inflicted incarceration, financial sanctions that drove litigants into bankruptcy, gag orders that sought to intimidate into silence, and incarceration orders without bail that aimed to create circumstances that intimidated some parents into ultimately abandoning their children. In this regard, litigants acted out of fear of non-compliance with Martinez’s destructive, illegal orders, that violated constitutional due process, First Amendment rights to speech, or whether fear induced the retaining of attorneys, who were cronies of Martinez, to act in lockstep to lie, cheat, and steal from the American public she is sworn to represent in constitutional compliance and devotion to a bill of rights, litigants are cheated out of fair trials.

The review of the transcripts boldly displayed Martinez’s hubris, indicated a sense of how clever she thought she was, will be memorialized and documented on display in filings before judicial review boards, and state legislatures dealing with judicial functioning as well as complaints to prosecutors’ offices detailing her malignant practices of child endangerment and inducement of profound grief and despair within families facing the loss of children to abusers. This review of transcripts revealed that Judge Martinez played “footsies ” with her Guardian Ad Litem chosen attorneys. Attorneys such as Lester Barclay and so-called child representative Cory Blalock, are members of the Martinez “team.” They can be seen to fawn and grovel before Judge Maritza Martinez as they compromise their personal integrity and fiduciary responsibility to their clients.

Complaints against these state-licensed court actors have been filed with oversight agencies and published as warnings to all who come into contact with these severely compromised characters. They are accused of compromising child protection failing in their representation of protective parents, they are but a sample of ignominious court actors who populate the American family court system as per the legacy of Richard Gardner, M.D. These court actors represent a cottage industry generated by the adoption of the debunked concept of parental alienation as applied globally to all charges of child abuse as such charges occur in the course of custody litigation defense.

The crop of the castrated, the eunuchs, and the women who vie with men for demonstrations of vaunted testosterone join the ranks of the greed and power-driven bottom-feeder court representatives that litter representation of the most vulnerable and significant members of society. Families raising children should be the backbone structure of a democratic society, but are, in fact, the expressway to the annihilation of a democratic society.

Reporting on judges such as Maritza Martinez, of Chicago, Illinois, Jane Kupferman Grossman of Hartford, Connecticut, Jane Gallina Mecca of Bergen County, New Jersey as well as the henchmen/factotum/hired gun compatriots with whom they collaborate is a critical responsibility of whistleblower experts. These whistleblowers, who are witnesses to the crimes committed through the family court system, must be known to have consequences of a magnitude that ripple over space and time, have responsibilities to communicate, document, and seek prosecution against guilty actors. The violators of constitutional rights must be named and fully documented for the unconscionable crimes they commit while traumatizing and destroying the lives of millions of captive audience innocent litigants, ignorant to the life-changing circumstances about to be imposed upon them when they step into a family court proceeding. Reporting without fear or favor, conscious of the weight of responsibility to future generations is a privilege embraced by the experts associated with the Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts.

Jill Jones Soderman
Executive Director Fcvfc

View Martinez Complaint to Prosecutors Office

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