Championing for child victims and their protective parents | a 501(c)3 nonprofit

Contact Us

A message to prospective clients

You are facing adversity. But you are also facing the possibility of finding help.

Engaging the services of the FCVFC and our professional partners doesn’t mean that your adversity will immediately end. It only means that we will continue working to help you find the path to victory.

If you follow the protocol we have laid out on the home page of this website and in the preliminary memorandum of understanding we send you, then we will become partners in this important work.

If you manufacture a false narrative about yourself or your family situation, this will irreparably breach the bonds of trust and alliance. This betrayal not only will hinder the complex work we need to do in the family court system, but it will be a betrayal of your child.

You must be free from the grip of anguish and frustration that can hinder your work as a partner in the rescue of your child.

You must be motivated and determined to be mobilized to move forward toward your child’s rescue.

Do you have what it takes to partner with us? Then contact us today. Email or call 866-553-6931.


Here’s how we protect your children

Whether or not you have your own attorney, we will confidentially:

• Analyze and protect evidence, legal documents, and testimony of your case.
• Provide a clear definition of your case as to the law, policy, and causes of action.
• Provide a family dynamic assessment.
• Assess the roles and functioning of various court actors.
• Provide support, oversight, consultation, and interventions.


You can get the help you need in 3 steps

1.You’ll place a call or send an email to set up a no-charge initial consultation.

2. You’ll pay a nonrefundable fee to engage us to perform a forensic evaluation of your case. You’ll also pay to engage other professionals as the FCVFC deems necessary (e.g., designated forensic psychotherapist, designated forensic accountant, designated attorney to advise your attorney, etc). These will be professionals who understand the corrupt family court system.

3. Once we agree to work together and you have hired the professionals that the FCVFC deems you need, you will release to the FCVFC the authority to coordinate and oversee all actions and decisions having to do with your case, including any interactions with the press. The FCVFC will be glad to work with any personnel you already have in place who are willing and ready to follow our instructions.

Get Help Today!

Your first consultation call to the FCVFC is without charge. After that, one nonrefundable flat fee will engage us as your forensic evaluator.

Other charges will follow for attorneys and other experts who understand the family court system.

Email us at You can also call 866-553-6931

You can expect a reply within 24 hours.

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