Championing for child victims and their protective parents | a 501(c)3 nonprofit

Judicial Power To Destroy Lives

Judge Gregory Strasser, of Marathon County Circuit Court in Wisconsin, rolled his eyes and made faces as he pronounced a virtual death sentence against a 6-year-old girl bonded back with full custody to the father who raped her just prior to her visitation with her mother.

Judge Strasser pronounced the mother to be retarded and mentally ill.

Judge Strasser’s expert advisor was a mental health worker who stated that the mother had a highly disturbed relationship with her daughter. In what way was unclear, as she never gave any example of the dysfunction; she just went on and on and on to insult, defame, lie, and distort the truth. She littered the page she wrote on, supporting the vicious intent known to her in advance of the hearing.

The mother’s relationship with her daughter was indeed disturbed, because the mother had been for six years allowing the child to visit a man who she knew to be what diagnostically we understand to be a sexual pervert, child abuser with a personal history and family history that included sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.

We say with a psychiatric level of certainty that the father is a dangerous, violent sexual predator who is photographing his child, both in naked and “dressed up” pictures. We suspect that he is engaged in selling and distributing pornography, and in this regard we have reported and continue to report this case to the FBI.

The child’s mother and her family have been tortured for years following court orders and sending her child to a fiend who abused and neglected, exposed her to his family of equally established predatory, violent men whose crimes are documented and established with witness reports.

Judge Strasser rolled his eyes, having received reports from established forensic psychiatric experts. This includes an established expert in the field of psychopathy, and Dr. Michael Stone, chief forensic expert of the FCVFC forensic psychiatric team. Both of these luminaries established and supported the credibility of the child’s accounts of her experiences of sexual abuse and exposure to photographic exploitation.

The court was informed of the assault, and notice of medical evidence was provided as additional material was to be presented in the hearing scheduled for September 20,2023.

Once the hearing was set by the court, Judge Strasser called upon the unqualified mental health counselor to submit an evaluation of the mother-child relationship. In a hearing that lasted about fifteen minutes of autocratic, idiotic pronouncements by Judge Strasser, he dismissed presentation of testimony or evidence and failed to hear from experts who would have supported the reports submitted and provided massive amounts of additional testimony.

Instead of reviewing substantial, credible evidence, Judge Strasser returned the child to the father, provided him with full custody and contact with the mother has not been determined.

Appeal of this court’s orders are in process, as are pursuit of criminal charges against the father through police and FBI investigation, with a request to include Judge Gregory Strasser as possibly a party to the father’s criminal activities, given Judge Strasser’s failure to contact police authorities based on the evidence of child sexual abuse and pornography development reported to Judge Strasser.

Complaints to the licensing board have been placed against a morally and ethically depraved therapist, who with depraved indifference to the suffering of the child pandered to an equally depraved, morally bankrupt Judge Strasser, sending the child to a death sentence for a life that she could have thrived in and become the person she should have been destined to be as raised by her mother and her mother’s loving family.

The fight for the child’s freedom has just begun, but the time and trauma she has experienced as per the news of the forced return to her abuser and loss of contact with her mother as of Saturday, September 23, 2023. This is a trauma she did not need to experience and one that will never leave her memory as long as she lives.




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