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Championing for child victims and their protective parents | a 501(c)3 nonprofit

Holding Judges Accountable: The Accountability Project

The Accountability Project

The Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts wishes to announce the launching of our latest project: Holding Judges Accountable: The Accountability Project. 

The Accountability Project is bringing awareness to Mennel’s Law. Mennel’s Law is our proposed law to prevent the transfer of children from the custody of protective parents into the isolation of documented physical, sexual and emotional abusers by court order. 

The FCVFC has established beyond a reasonable doubt that the family courts across the United States have become purveyors of the crime of child trafficking via the coordination of racketeering partners that involve lawyers and so-called state licensed experts facilitated through the broad unconstitutional authority of child protective services who have been afforded the authority to remove children without a charge of abuse. 

Child Protective Services across the country can assert a need for a child to receive services through CPS as per their thoroughly incompetent, untrained and autocratic governmental authority. CPS is allowed to lie, cheat and steal children via their capacity to pay hired gun so-called experts who willingly violate their judiciary and ethical responsibility to their vulnerable clients in exchange for payment, privilege and exemption from prosecution for their theft and lies. 

For this reason, The Accountability Project will be demanding that all CPS workers wear body cameras at all times that they are in contact with any and all clients. Technical Time Tracking oversight of their daily casework must be submitted under oath of the veracity of their statement under penalty of fraud and liability. Further, The Accountability Project will call for CPS caseworkers and all employees of CPS to be held legally responsible through lawsuits, when necessary, in their personal and professional capacity, given the magnitude of their power and authority to destroy lives.

Payment executed under Title IV D, aid to needy and dependent children, is under investigation by the expert forensic evaluation teams of the FCVFC. We are establishing the exact mechanisms of racketeering fraud that are funding judges and their minions engaged in criminal activity that has led to the life-long harm and even death of hundreds of thousands of children and protective parents. The failure to prosecute abusers and the facilitators of heinous abuse as per the incentives provided by the financial remuneration afforded by billions of dollars in taxpayer funds funneled from the federal government to states through Title IV D has resulted in a holocaust affecting generations of children and protective parents. 

The Richard Gardner concept of Parental Alienation denies allegations of child sexual abuse. It has promoted a view and attitude towards children as liars and manipulators or empty vessels, subject to “brainwashing” by the preferred parent, who is then said to have promoted an atmosphere of acute hostility and mistrust of children. The Gardner concept alleges the atmosphere of suspicion and hostility has penetrated the brain’s intellectual processes. It has taken over logic and common sense to the point that abuse and punishment of children seems reasonable and fitting. The punitive atmosphere of sadistic court orders that transfer children from protective parents into the custody of abusers becomes acceptable, sensible, and justified. It creates an atmosphere of no mercy and no justice. 

Pathological processes involve the deranged mentality of a parent who seeks to cause children to fear and hate a good, loving parent because the pathological parent wishes to control and manipulate the child for their own sick and evil purposes. The study and investigation of critical, credible psychiatric evaluation and intervention are crucial to the entire process of custody evaluation. However, the court system has evolved over the past 60 years under the debunked, pathological projections of Richard Gardner, MD. It has established the pathological parent as the gold standard and the protective parent as the deranged culprit. 

The predatory adoption of Gardner’s cruel, inhumane, unscientific and immoral concepts has been driven not by intellect or IQ but by greed, avarice, and sadistic, psychopathic character pathology, which has been promoted by government programs that incentivize the use and abuse of taxpayer money originally earmarked to ensure public protection and welfare. Abused children have been kidnapped and manipulated by the once excellent programs designed under the terms of Title IV D and other programs that are going to be identified, investigated, and reported upon.

It is the intention of The Accountability Project to use each case retained by the Foundation to explore the client’s best interests and that of society as a whole. The experts associated with analyzing every aspect of these cases will be seeking to explain the dynamics of both legal causes of action, diagnosis of psychopathology both within the client and court system, as well as the litigation against court actors who have committed malpractice and harmed vulnerable subjects seeking protection from abuse and injustice.

Financial damages and remuneration is considered a critical and necessary part of repairing the lifelong harm caused by the trauma induced by the conscious malevolent actions of court actors, criminal prosecution for crimes leading to physical and emotional injury, and sometimes death of subjects because of the actions and directives of judges and their minions. 

Cases of this nature, moving forward in civil and criminal courts across the country, are our north star. We seek to sharpen our understanding of the dynamics of our cases and the necessary legal interventions to correct and prosecute the atrocities committed by family court actors who are consciously and malevolently involved in pursuing their benefit contrary to the care and protection of public interest. 



Jill Jones Soderman

Director of the Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts

Administrator for the Foundation for Family Law in the Public Interest

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