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Family Court Attorneys Support “Reunification Therapy” Fraud Despite Designation Of Rt As An Agent Of Torture By The Un Council On Violence Against Children

upset child

The foundation has proceeded without fear or favor and at tremendous risk to our professions as outspoken defenders of children facing family court atrocities. Jill Jones Soderman’s truth and training have been attacked and vilified to have the public fail to heed.

The profession of law is a revered and deeply respected profession. The positions of attorneys are seen as sources of authority who protect, defend, and prosecute clients against adversarial harm . There is an automatic trust invested in attorneys as officers of the court, defenders of the law, and officers whose mission is to correct and prosecute wrongdoing. In the minds of the general public, the attorney’s authority is to be respected and adhered to.

The sense of helplessness that follows when the attorney’s direction to obey court orders that are experienced as massively harmful to the interests of the client and subject children places the public trust in a quandary. The instinct to follow directives against interest is more often than not crushed by the attorney’s admonitions to work with the court, to win the court’s “trust” and find a path to “reunification”.

The general public has no basis on which to mistrust the attorney’s authority, and the respect and interaction between the judge and the attorney only increases the authority and attribution of expertise that the client experiences as their own experiences and misunderstanding of the situation.

The client’s growing experience of adverse outcomes and experience in the course of work with the attorney, in many clients, induces a sense of despair, abandonment of their cases, and in the face of repeated losses in the course of attempting to achieve their goals as well as financial destitution. The client has no basis on which to blame a broader and more complex system of fraud and violation of civil rights. Fraud is the basis of a breach of civil rights to achieve an end dictated by an administrative system that has envisioned for itself a means of accessing enormous financial gain.

The truth is that the evolution of legal strategy has been shaped and weaponized by capturing concepts within the Gardner theory of Parental Alienation. However incorrect/counterintuitive it seems, this anti scientific concept became so influential in generating multiple paths to financial incentives and victory that lies and larceny facilitated by the hand and glove faustian bargain of the bar associations across the country laid the legal landscape of child trafficking and criminal enterprise using federal funds to support state programs . The state programs allowed payment to state licensed so called experts who rapidly deployed to facilitate the culture that FCVFC experts refer to as “The you lie to it, and I will swear to it” a community of family court conspirators and criminals with so called degrees for hire. Those experts who refuse the pay to play insider trading find themselves without licenses, defamed, threatened, slandered, or even murdered. The playing field of the “court appointed” players has shrunken over more than sixty years of Richard Gardner MD parental alienation false allegations / failure to protect protective parents and vulnerable children.

Gag orders, threats to transfer custody, incarceration, fabricated contempt orders have ha a chilling effect that has been respected by a weak commercial press that itself panders to nothing more than cheap hot headlines and superficial tragic news. Stories of family annhilation, murders and suicides make headlines and flash laws that continue to be administered by crooked judges and lying lawyers who provide lip service as their unchallenged UMMNITY from prosecution for their illegal, prosecutable actions remain unchallenged with a wink and a nod.

The FCVFC does not feign blindness nor amnesia to the atrocities facing our cases. While we face rude, ignorant insults and attempts to discredit us, our work moves on. Given limited budgets and few honest, brave professionals who take up the cudgel of speaking truth to power and bearing the burden and bruises of those who benefit from child torture , those who are deaf and inured to the wails of grieving parents, siblings and relatives go to the bank.

As of 2024, per the assessment of the experts at the FCVFC, the entire family court system across the U.S. is a criminal enterprise, as attorneys and their hired gun facilitators act in unison to extort funds from the federal government using children as a significant vehicle for extorting funds. We do not quote statistics for deaths – murders – suicides – resulting from family court judicially driven deaths and life long suffering because there are, at this time no accurate statistics.

First, the litigation of the “truth test,” administered by so-called mental health professionals in the form of psychological testing that is improperly deployed or scored, to assess alienation The Salem Witch Trials has become the illiterate, obscene legal standard for removing children into the isolation of abusers to reset the financial assembly line – triggering the flow of Federal funds under Title IV D to State funds for state agencies that pile on fees to cohort providers.

The violations of due process law developed and generated in the dance steps of lawyers and judges and the life Estrada corus pronounced in the bobbing heads of those court-appointed minions who pronounce parental alienation and threaten parents seeking to protect their children.

We can state with empirical evidence that the cause of actions of tjudges, who are responsible for murders and suicides have never been appropriately held accountable, are directly responsible for the increase in violence and mental illness among six generations since the onset of the debunked Gardner concept of parental alienation.

The investments of lawyers for providing ever more complex defenses for the concept of parental alienation have caused them to be ever more entrenched in supporting a false narrative because of the lucrative nature of the outcome and the stakes involved for abusers seeking to maintain a position of not being prosecuted for crimes. Additionally, abusers and court actors profit off of the largess of punitive charges for proving a false positive, namely that abuse did not take place when it did and charging that the exonerated abuser was defamed and worthy of receiving damages for “false claims.”


The antidote to immobilization induced by threats, fear, and coercive tactics is the understanding that there are clear and present defenses and actions to be taken to undermine and overcome forces of illegitimate authority, which begin with not cooperating and bending to false judicial authority by having such authority removed, overturned, prosecuted and punished.

The FCVFC has created a unique structure to establish control of the facts of the case, protect evidence, and advance a proper litigation process. As part of this beginning is the understanding that the family court system in the U.S., as of 2024, has evolved into a child trafficking, racketeering criminal enterprise that cannot be invested with respect or trust as deserved by an authentic legal entity. As such, an advisory to the court often begins to make the authorities aware of the facts and legal tenets to be observed to protect the client’s rights and the future lives of children at stake.

We view lawyers as a liability to these cases as the legal profession practiced in family courts has abandoned their fiduciary responsibility to clients and as emasculated eunuchs of the court behave as factotum and not as representatives of the U.S. Constitution and legal order of the U.S. much less protectors of the rights and responsibilities of clients or protection of children and family legacies.

The first steps begin with understanding the facts, present and historical, overcoming and coming to terms with the incomprehensible, and then finding the strength within to locate authentic sources of authority and assistance in combating the dawning awareness of the next steps to be taken.

Children who have been forced into reunification with an abusive parent will not be silenced. You can find an authentic experience of a survivor of reunification, Ally, a victim of Family Bridges. Type this in your search engine:

The cruelty of courts forcing children falsely to make statements incriminating their good parents. Some children are forced to comply in order to maintain sanity and safety.

Ally’s story:

“I was kidnapped and taken to a forced reunification camp at 16 and this is what happened when I did not comply. On the first day of the workshop my sister and I were obviously traumatized from being trafficked across the country, but we respectfully and calmly refused to comply with the Family Bridges program.

The program leaders told us if we didn’t participate in the “workshop,” we’d be sent to wilderness camps, psychiatric facilities, or foster care.

They told us that my sister and I would be separated and that we wouldn’t see each other or our Mom again, until we each turned 18 if we “chose this option”.

They forced us to write a letter to our Mom saying that we wanted to go to a wilderness camp or psychiatric facility instead of going along with their program, which meant going to live with our abuser.

I remember at one point during the workshop, I was visibly depressed and the leaders pulled me aside and told me I wasn’t working hard enough at the program.

They said that if I wasn’t excited about living with my abuser, then the No Contact Order would be extended.

To top it all off, after 4 days, the leaders forced us to fill out a feedback form about our experience at Family Bridges while they were looking over our shoulders.

The only way to survive living with our abuser was to pretend that we were happy and that we were believing everything they said.”

The Family Bridges Program and it’s founder. Linda Gottlieb is being sued and prosecuted by multiple victims/survivors of their program as per the actions and support of the FCVFC.

The necessity for holding judges, attorneys and all levels of court actor and licensed professionals who violate their fiduciary responsibility to the captive audience of litigants is critical to the survival of a Democratic society.

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