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When Mommy Is My Sister And Grandpa Is My Dad?? Family Court Corruption “Reunification Therapy” Facilitating Incest

scared child and parent

This article addresses the methodical cruelty in unaddressed consequences of child sexual abuse in the age of female compromised medical care. All references to clinical case material referenced in this article are based on evidence documented/held in the files of the Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts, Inc. (FCVFC). Further, we consider all loathsome, disgusting facts divulged in this article critical to raising the consciousness of a society that lives in a state of self-serving delusional comfort free of responsibility to fellow citizens…….if “they” are not safe – “we” are not safe – germs are more than contagion – violence is its own form of contagion!

When children experience injuries sustained in the course of sexual abuse delivered by adults, such unmistakable injuries include, but are not limited to, anal/vaginal tearing, prolapse uterus, prolapse anus, and rashes. In addition, they are known to have contracted venereal diseases such as herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, scabies, and crabs. The admonition of family courts across the country is to not take the child to a physician, and to not report the abuse to child protective services.

If and when the child is taken to a physician, and the M.S. reports the case to the required state child abuse agency, the consequence of the reporting ends with an investigation report against the reporting parent, and the accused abuser is treated as a victim of “parental alienation.” In one case known by FCVFC, it was reported to the courts that a young female child experienced repeated painful, full body, head to toe outbreaks of human papillomavirus (herpes) rashes. This reporting to the courts initiated the focus on how this diagnosis became confirmed? As the problem was a repeated charge associated with child abuse of both siblings, the reply indicated that the mother was diagnosed by DNA as having the same outbreak.

In 2019, the highly praised non-profit Julie Valentine Counselling Center for sexually abused children arranged a fundraising event in South Carolina. This fundraising event focused on the Counseling Center’s work with a young woman who was impregnated by her father, gave birth to her father’s child, and was raising her son (her brother). With the support of the Julie Valentine Therapeutic Team who assisted in the prosecution of the child’s father, he was sentenced to life in prison. .

The Julie Valentine Center is engaged as a major source of expert evaluation for child sexual abuse in the family courts of South Carolina. However, the Center has never raised issues pertaining to the massive problem of child sexual abuse that has been neglected, denied, and ignored in South Carolina’s courts. The Julie Valentine Counseling Center has received widespread criticism by clients who have felt that their complaints were ignored, denied, and dismissed amidst what was described as a “holier than thou ” dismissive/derogatory attitude toward young struggling mother/abuse victims.

The response of many courts across the U.S.A. that have dealt with charges similar to the one reported above, has been to charge the reporter of the abuse as an abuser engaged in “parental alienation.” In contrast, the parent associated with the abuse under investigation has been viewed as a victim of the “parental alienation” parent abuser.

The irrational, and dangerous ignoring of medical diseases associated with public health warnings is well known to be ignored by family courts. The Department of Child Protection reporting agencies are contributing to the epidemic of a growing societal population of dangerous and endangered dysfunctional children. These children represent a danger to the continuation of a democratic society that depends on an educated, independently thinking, functional population. in the age of dismantling female medical care and medical interventions, the family courts are facilitating the destruction of female lives before they are even of an age in which they can begin to speak for themselves.

The experts of FCVFC are aware of the growing number child pregnancies and births of underage females. In one case, a female documented as being five years old, raised her son as her brother. Another child of eleven years of age was forced to give birth to her stepfather’s child. Her stepfather, a convicted sex offender, was arrested when this child’s stepsisters came forward to the police and reported that their stepfather had been sexually abusing them for seven years. A final rape of a sister was one too many. The girls called the police and sought prosecution that resulted in one count of rape and one count of sexual imposition.

Definition of Incest

Incest, as a sin, is defined in biblical terms and enshrined incest as a cultural taboo has been proscribed universally as sexual activity between first degree relatives, siblings and cousins. The lineage defining incestuous connections has varied slightly over cultures. However, the prohibition against incest for purposes of a growing population, views the effects of inbreeding as the collection of genetic disorders suffered by children of parents with close genetic relationships, It is widely acknowledged that incestuous behavior can result in genetically based medical and psychiatric illnesses.

Families who generate generations of incestuous partners are rarely recognized and so very little information is available on these subjects. Studies of psychiatric hospital populations and family courts, however, are sources of material on such cases. Psychiatric hospital patients tend to be long-term residents based on severe, irreparable management related to acute insanity. In this context, the reader is referred to an article prepared by Jill Jones-Soderman that can be read on this website.

Family court cases that appear as a result of incest secrets within families can erupt into irreparable conflicts. The substance denied by courts has aided in the continued generational tragedy of lives destroyed. The mother later learned that her child was being sexually excited and exploited by the child’s paternal aunt and father. Incestuous child sexual activity caused the continued family incestual secrets. The wresting of the mother’s “cooperation” with the court, against the advice of FCVFC experts, whose advice was to challenge and fight the courts and the mother’s so called experts, resulted in the mother never ever regaining any access to her child as was revealed in a chance meeting with the mother many years after our initial consultation with her.

Other cases where a history of incestuous sexual activity between a parent and the parent’s family of origin was continued within the marital relationship. In these cases, the incestuously involved parent turned over his children to his parents who sexually involved him was supported by the court. As the court subverted evidence of generations of abuse and depravity, children enmeshed by court order, in a family system of insanity where the presence of madness is on display and yet “normalized” by the court, supported/court approved financial incentive as a smorgas borg feeding frenzy where children are part of each course and continued the intense suffering of young children.

The children’s testimony involved as witnesses to their own and each other’s horrendous abuse, neglect, bizarre interactions with their father was lied about, suppressed, and blamed on the “coaching” of the mother. Fabricated testimony submitted by so called court experts refused to admit the statements of young children, (youngest age 5) who reported finding their way to the roof of the house – sitting perched on an edge of the roof and planning to jump off the roof until their mother viewed them from the ground and urged them to come meet her to play.

Suicidality, plans to kill themselves, . rumination about death and the relief it would provide was rendered by children who spoke with “normal,” reasonable affect and speech cadence as if such thought patterns were “normal” conversations. Each child had produced at least five ways to commit suicide and was ruminating on how and when to take action. The bizarreness of the discussion with the children was only matched by the small period of attendance in court being present for the cross examination of the lawyer for the father who admitted to an initial retainer of $250k. This was more a slush fund for payoffs than a retainer. The father proudly noted that the retainer for his wife’s attorney was only 10k. The transcripts of the case laid witness to the bizarreness of the babbling insane testimony of the father, only complemented by the folie a deux engagement of the judge running a child trafficking circus.

As a result of the consequences of child deprivation and abuse, we are raising generations of rageful, insane, deeply dysfunctional children incapable of managing their own lives, much less functioning in a democratic society. We are suggesting that the managed / planned/ factory processing depravity engaged in by major social institutions that govern the health, welfare, education and socialization of our youth is a planned directive to dismantling the democratic society first conceptualized by the founding fathers. “keep it if you can….” we are demonstrating that we cannot.

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