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Championing for child victims and their protective parents | a 501(c)3 nonprofit

Evil in Oklahoma: Complaint against Judge Emily Mueller

Complaint against Judge Emily Mueller

Introduction to the FCVFC and the FFLPI

The Foundation for Child Victims of the Family Courts is a nonprofit that advocates and litigates on behalf of protective parents all over the United States, whose children are being threatened with transfer into the hands of abusers.

I am the Executive Director of the FCVFC. I am also the administrator of the Foundation for Family Law in the Public Interest. The FFLPI is a public interest and a whistleblower law firm that files malpractice actions against professionals who act as hired guns, selling their credentials to the highest bidder to lie, cheat, and steal, taking children from protective parents and moving them into the hands of abusers.

As a public interest and whistleblower law firm, the FFLPI also takes on criminal prosecution of those who think they can threaten and intimidate witnesses, solicit false testimony from children in meetings with them, threaten adult and child witnesses, or act with extreme bias, placing the judicial ill-conceived judgments/prejudices, projections, “intuition,” as replacements for factual, evidence-based legal findings. The judge as finder of fact has been replaced with the sua sponte – the ipse dixit and blatant caveman tactics.

In recent weeks the FCVFC has been contacted by a number of families and professionals who have been alarmed by the excessive aggressiveness and abandonment of attention to basic judicial protocol, rules of due process, and basic decency.

In the case at hand the parents described events in the course of one scandalous, nauseating, despicable disclosure after another.

I am writing to address the charges of gross criminal misconduct, abuse of power, deranged disregard for human life, violation and wide-spread abuse of the legal process, due process violations, and total disregard for boundaries of legal authority by Judge Emily Mueller of Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma.

Violations of the canons of legal ethics appear as timid musings when approaching the litany of complaints being reviewed against Judge Emily Mueller and those minions who respond to the “Godfather” identifications as indicated by the brutal tactics she appears to think that she can employ in her court.

Here is a brief summary of the case we are presenting for complaint against this judge:

Case Overview

  • Court proceedings began March 2017, with an emergency filing for custody based on the biological mother being placed in a 52 bed treatment facility for illegal drug dependency. Emergency order was denied.
  • Biological mother was released in June 2017.
  • Biological mother was served custody papers July 2017.
  • Father won custody due to default judgement in October 2017. Biological mother filed a motion to vacate.
  • Temporary agreement was met in January 2018, for father to remain in custody of child until trial.
  • Trial was on June 8, 2019 and August 5, 2019 with a final order issued on August 26, 2019.
  • Final decree was signed by opposing counsel or biological mom until May 26, 2020.
  • June 26, 2020 a motion was filed with Appellate court.
  • Opposing counsel dismissed appeal March 2021.
  • October 16, 2020 a VPO was filed in Garvin County against the biological mother for physical abuse and was temporarily granted.
  • VPO was pulled to Pottawatomie County by Judge Mueller on the premise that she was the officiating judge on an existing open case there.
  • The decree was final May 26, 2020. Opposing counsel filed a motion to enforce visitation and a motion to modify custody October 21, 2020.
  • November 4, 2020 VPO set to be heard and motion to transfer venue filed. Judge Mueller ruled supervised visits for the biological mother but dismissed the VPO, stating it was a motion to modify, not grounds for a VPO despite evidence of abuse. Judge Mueller threatened to put the child in DHS custody and warned father of getting anyone else involved or there would be repercussions.
  • November 6, 2020 scheduled forensic examination by Mary Abbott House, cancelled due to interference directly by Judge Mueller.
  • December 18, 2020 re-evaluation of case. Biological mother given extra time awaiting the DHS investigation completion.
  • January 26, 2021 Review of visitation and denied motion to transfer venue. Due to DHS substantiated findings of mental injury on mother and allegations of sexual abuse against the stepfather he was denied any access to child whatsoever.
  • March 8, 2021 Judge Mueller ordered family counseling.
  • March 9, 2021 Judge Mueller ordered GAL.
  • March 15, 2021 Motion for OSBI/Kelsey Briggs Application for investigation into malpractice of opposing counsel and child abuse denied. Judge Mueller threatened to put child in DHS custody due to father’s allegations.
  • March 25, 2021 mediation unsuccessful.
  • April 20, 2021 Motion to disqualify Greg Wilson from case due to his being an Acting Assistant DA, with access to confidential DHS records.
  • April 21, 2021 Judge Mueller removed custody from biological father based on a false Affidavit given by GAL, Bill Haselwood, based on hearsay. Bill then gave testimony he in fact had no personal knowledge of abuse, only determined his decision based on hearsay from the opposing side. Child removed and placed in home with the biological mother’s sister, without background checks or proper DHS protocol being followed.
  • April 26, 2021 File motion for sanctions and WRIT. May 25, 2021 all motions denied for disqualification of opposing counsel, sanctions.

Current Status

  • Trial is set for July 20, 2021 for modification of custody of child back into the hands of the biological mother and stepfather, which have both been substantiated against for abuse and neglect.

Complaints against Judge Emily Mueller

  1. Judge Mueller interfered in the forensic interview for sexual abuse by stepfather, which resulted in the denial of such interview.
  2. Judge Mueller actively sought out evidence against the father during these proceedings.
  3. Judge Mueller disregarded the welfare of the child and the extreme sensitive nature of the substantiated abuse by the mother and allegations of sexual abuse by the stepfather.
  4. Judge Mueller ignored the Oklahoma statutes of law regarding abuse, child welfare.
  5. Judge Mueller violated the father’s parental rights without due process or proof.
  6. Judge Mueller refused to be recused due to interference into the investigation, denial of the abuse and substantiated findings and her disregard for the Oklahoma Statutes of Law.

Furthermore, Judge Emily Mueller ignored the Oklahoma Supreme Court case Neal v. Nesvold, 14P. 3d 547, 549 which holds that proof of harm is REQUIRED before courts can override the right of parents to make visitation decisions for their children. She ignored factual evidence provided by the father, DHS, doctors, police, and more. She repeatedly threatened the father with removal should he not “keep quiet.”

Judge Emily Mueller evidently engages in abuse of process and violation of litigant rights in a manner that is openly directive. She forces litigants to agree to give up rights and to stipulate to agreements that are against their interests / their children’s interests as per an atmosphere more reminiscent of blackmail than negotiation.

Judge Emily Mueller has a reputation as a cruel manipulator of evidence, suppressing facts and introducing a level of bias that has no relevance to the interests or safety of the child. Complaints against autocratic practices, histrionics in the courtroom have been repeated issues.

The case at hand is significant because it encompasses so many issues that are so heinous, so unspeakably, incomprehensibly in violation of judicial practice that Emily Mueller must be removed from the bench, at a minimum level of immediate intervention. The fact that she has remained for any period of time speaks to a judicial community that is out of control and specifically requires intensive intervention and exposure.

Among the atrocities committed in this case are subjecting the child’s father and the child to a level of emotional distress, anguish and fear that never should have been allowed. Judge Mueller transferred the child into the hands of the mother who abused and terrorized her, along with additional abuse by the mother’s new spouse. (We must note that we also have grave concerns for the children who remain in the home that Judge Mueller seems so insistent upon transferring a child into a home where other children are noted as being at risk.)

Clear, hard evidence in this case was openly dismissed by Judge Emily Mueller as she stated, “I am tired of the level of he said / she said in this case.”

This type of ignorant statement related to “he said / she said” is startling in an age of forensic science and forensic analysis. Professionals who interview children and families with compassion and concern, reviewing histories and timelines, are being outnumbered by those who peddle the fake concepts of Richard Gardner’s junk concepts of parental alienation and coaching. Those who specialize in selling children to the pedophile parent, the deranged domestic violence abuser, or those generally with secrets to hide and money to pay for their habits are provided an easy off ramp for judges and other court actors on the take.

As I already have the records, files, transcripts and affidavits of court proceedings, the cat is out of the bag and it is no longer possible to hide the facts of the case.

I have court records, clinical treatment, evaluation records, and affidavits from multiple families whose suffering and losses have borne witness to the cruelty of Emily Mueller, her furious rampages that have caused unconscionable, inconsolable suffering, misery and generations of trauma. By her rulings she is known to have mercilessly transferred children into the hands of their abusers, providing permission and conditions of isolation for those children to be terrorized, tortured and broken.

The remedy offered by the FCVFC

Our remedy for this state of affairs involves engagements with experts who have created the standards for scientific measurement, expertise in every facet of evaluation.

Dr. Michael Stone, architect of the “Scale of Evil” developed to differentiate levels of serial killers in measuring heinous crimes, has developed with the FCVFC a similar scale for differentiating not only abuser parents but venal judges.

In his book The Anatomy of Evil, Dr. Stone puts meat on the bones of corpses while describing the thought and lack of feeling that allows serial carnivores to devour their victims, Jeffrey Dahmer style. In the tome in process by the FCVFC, I similarly describe serial trafficking / racketeering judges and court actors in detail. Given the material we have so far gathered from the court file, Judge Emily Mueller fits the profile.

As a psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, family therapist, and mediator, I know that children who survive the type of abuse that judges such as Emily Mueller consign them to, are likely to become abusers. Perhaps this is her experience.

For this reason we view all such judges who behave with disregard for all legal tenets and values as a danger to the public, to the community, to the state, to penal institutions they help populate, and to police who must respond to the crimes created by the venal acts that members and associates of my organization will litigate and that I will be publishing about across the country and the entire world.

Cases of note, such as the case now referred to, will be brought to the attention of the judicial review board and all judicial and legislative bodies that oversee criminal rights, civil rights, judicial appointment, judicial review, sanctions, and oversight for removal of judges.

Additional writing on this subject will continue as we will be bringing individual cases to the attention of authorities.

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